Meet the Dean


Profile photo of Marcus Langford
Marcus Langford

Dean of Students


In my role as the dean of students, I am here to support you. I often tell people that one of the aspects I enjoy most about what I do is the opportunity to work with students while they are on a journey of self-discovery to find and become their best selves. As you are on your educational journey at the University of Oregon, know that I and my team are here with you.

I want to encourage you to make the most of your student experience at the UO. Your experience should be unique to you. Your journey should be a rich one, filled with opportunities that contribute to a robust academic experience and your involvement in high impact engagement experiences. Simply put, my hope and expectation is that you learn a lot and enjoy yourself along the way.

To be clear, you will be challenged at times by a variety of situations and circumstances, but know that you will always be supported in these moments. I am fortunate to work with an amazing team in the Office of the Dean of Students who strive to serve and support students, as well as work to sustain an engaging, affirming, and educational campus environment.

If you would like to connect or talk, please reach out to me. I am excited to serve as your dean of students, and I look forward to being on this journey with you.

Find me on Twitter: @MarcusRLangford

Dean’s Corner

(February 27, 2024) Over the last month, the University of Oregon received allegations of students unknowingly ingesting substances that caused some level of incapacitation or medical care by people attending events sponsored by Greek-lettered organizations.

In order to…

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