Lead as a Duck
There are many ways to be a leader on campus. There are formal leadership opportunities through the Holden Center for Leadership and Community Engagement, Fraternity and Sorority Life, or student government. You can also develop leadership skills while working at student jobs in departments all over campus, available through the University Career Center.

The Holden Center is your hub for leadership and service. Drop in for discussions and advising, or sign up for services opportunities on campus or in the surrounding community. We'll even come to you, to present on various topics related to service and leadership. Through the Holden Center, you'll discover a lot of opportunities to connect with others and find the right fit.

Being a part of a fraternity or sorority means holding yourself to a higher standard of commitment, service, and accountability. It means being part of a community based on shared values—such as leadership, scholarship, and friendship—that supports its members in being the best version of themselves. It means being part of a legacy that continues through your personal growth and involvement in our community.