Community in Every Corner
Each community is different, but important in making sure everyone has a place on our campus. What would your college experience be without people around you to share it with? Our communities and resources are here to help you find those people who will make the most of your time here at the UO. It could be connecting you with academic resources, overcoming life's hurtles together, or just having a group to spend time with on a sunny day. We are committed to making our campus welcoming for all.

Spurred by student demands, and made possible by grassroots support and donor gifts, the new Lyllye Reynolds-Parker Black Cultural Center will be an academic, cultural, and social home for the UO’s Black students and the community. The center is named for Lyllye Reynolds-Parker, a civil rights activist and UO alumna who touched countless lives of UO students in her career as an academic advisor.

Our communities are not built on a binary. Each person has a unique combination of identities that make them, well, them. We are proud to have you in our community and we want you to be proud of your community. LGBT Education and Support Services is here to support you through your college experience and for you to get involved in a community where you are free to be you.

The Men’s Resource Center is committed to providing resources and support that encourage well-being and thriving on campus. We recognize accessing support may be new or challenging, and our goal is to remove barriers to set you up for success. We envision a university campus where individuals of all genders and identities are respected and valued, have access to opportunities to engage in healthy communities, and can develop skills to further the well-being and safety of themselves and others.

Our communities are full of diversity. Each person provides distinct connections, building a campus that welcomes everyone. Through shared cultural, educational, and social experiences, you can be involved in a community that will last throughout your entire college experience. We are here to provide you with opportunities and resources to help you achieve your goals and enhance your college experience.

Learning happens at your own pace. Whenever you come to the university, we have resources to help you be successful. Whether it is navigating through Eugene, maintaining a school-life balance, or finding a quiet place to study, we can help. You don't have to learn alone either; we have communities to support you through your college experience.

We are proud to have members in our community who have served our country. We are dedicated to providing resources and services for you to have a successful college career. Your leadership and service for others is a valuable part of what it means to have a community. It is an honor to have you as a member of our campus community.

Here at the Women’s Center, we seek to embody the ideals of activism, leadership, and empowerment by creating equitable educational and working environments for all genders. We create space for the intermingling of backgrounds by encouraging nontraditional, LGBTQIA+, and international students. Anyone committed to bettering the quality of life for all are welcome. We are here to support you in a multitude of endeavors and create a space where we can come together to share in a community of like-minded Ducks.