
Collegiate Recovery Center
Collegiate Recovery Center

Space to Grow

The University of Oregon's Collegiate Recovery Center delivers peer support services to students experiencing substance use issues and provides opportunities for individuals to develop relationships within the recovery community. Through individual consults, group sessions, support meetings, and recovery events, the center helps students achieve their personal goals for recovery.

The CRC welcomes all students at the University of Oregon regardless of their sobriety status. We recognize the many pathways by which recovery is pursued and value all forms of recovery. Whether students choose to attend twelve-step groups, seek treatment in the wider community, or are interested in exploring lifestyle changes that reduce substance use, we can help. We are a member of the Association of Recovery in Higher Education, and our staff have lived experience in recovery and are certified addiction and substance abuse prevention professionals.

We are a member of the Association of Recovery in Higher Education


CRC Hours

Monday: 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Thursday: 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Closed weekends

During academic breaks, please refer to our Instagram page for our current hours.

The CRC is located in the EMU, Room 331. Taking the elevator outside of Bartolotti’s (ground floor) up to the third floor is recommended.


Connect with the Collegiate Recovery Center

The CRC is collaborating with Eating Disorder Awareness and Support (EDAS) to host peer-led eating disorder support groups. See meeting times or visit the EDAS website and our Linktree to learn more.

Spring Term Meeting Times

Which Group Is Right For Me?

All-Recovery Literature Study
Mondays, 4:30–5:30 p.m.
Location: CRC (EMU 331)

EDAS Disordered Eating Support Group
Tuesdays, 6:00–7:00 p.m.
Location: CRC (EMU 331)

AA Big Book Study
Wednesdays, 4:30–5:30 p.m.
Location: CRC (EMU 331)

Cannabis Support Group
Thursdays, 4:30–5:30 p.m.
Location: CRC (EMU 331)

Recovery Support Group
Fridays, noon–1:00 p.m.
Location: CRC (EMU 331)
Weekly sign-ups and an initial meeting with CRC staff required

For more information on each group, visit our Linktree.

Parents and Families

Are you concerned about your student's substance use? Curious about the recovery process?

The CRC provides consultations for family members and loved ones to help them navigate the treatment and recovery landscape. From questions about local resources and services here at our center, to appointments with their student, our office serves as a campus hub for recovery and substance use information.

While we cannot force anyone to change, our staff aim to provide guidance during difficult times and help you and your student get on the road to recovery. Please call 541-346-6079 or email with questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is recovery?

SAMSHA defines recovery as “a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.” At the CRC, we aim to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate this process. While there is no one size that fits all-approach, many people find 12-step groups, individual counseling, lifestyle changes, and new social groups to be highly beneficial. 

How do I know recovery is right for me?

Before entering recovery, many individuals experience symptoms associated with substance misuse—low mood, cravings, an inability to stop, physical health problems, and interpersonal issues like failing to uphold commitments. Additionally, there may be family members or friends who have suggested they seek help. 

Isn’t recovery boring? 

Absolutely not! Many find the freedom of recovery to be an opportunity to explore different hobbies, discover new passions, and find out what truly inspires them. From biking, painting, hiking, writing, skiing, playing music and more, individuals in recovery engage with activities they may never have thought possible.  

How can the CRC help?

Many people considering recovery can be unsure of their desire for change. The CRC meets students where they are and provides opportunities for honest, open dialogue. We can help those new to the process by providing mentorship and guidance for navigating the initial stages of recovery. For those already established in their recovery, the CRC hosts 12-step meetings, creates a sense of community through our designated space on campus, and provides opportunities for recovering students to connect with one another. If you or someone you know is struggling with their substance use, email us at

Get Resources

A wide variety of resources exist to serve students in recovery and provide information to family and friends concerned about someone's substance use. Support groups, family programs, and sober-living houses are a few of the off-campus resources available to students and community members.

On campus, Counseling Services can provide individual therapy and refer students to providers who may best suit their needs. Screening tools like the AUDIT and CUDIT assessments and the ScreenU platform provide individuals with the opportunity to reflect on their use of substances.