SAPE Events

SAPE events are always free for students, educational in nature, and usually involve snacks.

Community Partnerships

  • Risk Summit: SAPE engages with the Greek community through a variety of specialized trainings that are showcased every year at the FSL risk summit.
  • Cash Cab: SAPE partners with Campus Shuttle to provide students with trivia and treats while getting a free and safe ride around campus.
  • Stress Less: SAPE tables with Student Mental Health Advocates (SMHA) during week 10 of every term to bring students study snacks and provide risk-reduction information about misuse of prescription drugs.
  • Ducks After Dark (DAD): SAPE tables at DAD once per term to provide snacks to movie-goers and promote our trainings and events.

Annual SAPE Events

  • College Mental Health and Substance Use Statewide Summit: Each year SAPE helps to organize a substance use and mental health summit which draws professionals and students from across the state of Oregon.
  • Prescription Drug Takeback: Every year SAPE tables with the prescription drug drop box at the EMU, in order to promote the safe disposal of unused or unwanted prescription medications.
  • Holiday-specific Programming: Whether it’s Halloween, Valentine’s Day, or Cinco de Mayo, you can find SAPE tabling with resources.

Ongoing Programming

  • Study Smart: SAPE is always promoting healthy study habits and informing our students about the risks associated with using another person’s prescription or abusing study drugs.
  • 21st Birthday Project: SAPE wants to celebrate with you!  We work hard to promote healthy celebrations and prepare our students for their transition into bar-going.
  • Ducks Save Lives: This campaign was originally designed to illuminate Oregon’s Medical Amnesty Law which protects minors calling for medical help from getting an MIP.  It has grown into a series of overdose-response trainings with the same mission: saving lives.