Off-Campus Living Tips and Resources

Your Rights and Safety

Learn your rights as a tenant, how to avoid trouble with your landlord, neighbors, and police, and precautions you can take to stay safe off campus.



All Things Roommates

It can be tricky to predict who will make a good roommate when you live off campus, but it affects whether you feel comfortable in your personal space. Use these resources to confirm whether someone you know would be a good fit, post that you are seeking a roommate, or browse other postings to find a good match with another UO student. The Roommate Search is a great way to find an affordable rental.



Local Services

Tackle issues specific to life off campus in your local area, such as finding a nearby bus route, your closest emergency room, and where you can turn for legal assistance.



How-To Guides

Learn about the process of renting off campus, from the start of your search to when you move out, so you can be prepared, avoid pitfalls, and contribute to a thriving community.