Student Conduct and Community Standards

Student Conduct and Community Standards

As a member of the university community, it is your responsibility to know your rights and fulfill these expectations. The Student Conduct and Community Standards office is committed to supporting all students in that process.

It is our responsibility to establish the community standards and procedures necessary to maintain and protect an environment conducive to learning and in keeping with the educational objectives of the University of Oregon.

We serve the important role of upholding the standards of the university community through the administration of an educational and student-centered conduct process. In this process, we educate students about self-accountability, social responsibility, and academic integrity. Students are provided opportunities for personal reflection about decisions and how to make better choices in the future. We encourage students to consider the impact of their actions on themselves, their peers, and the greater community. Sanctions are individually developed with the goal of promoting critical thinking, repairing potential harms, and assisting students to become productive, global citizens.

We are committed to facilitating this learning in a fair, unbiased, and consistent manner, where every student is treated with dignity and respect and is afforded all procedural protections afforded by the Student Conduct Code.

If you have any questions, or would like information about getting involved, please feel free to contact us by email at Please allow two business days for a response.